![[PTO] Calendar and News Updates 2020 05 10](https://oxfordpto.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/PTO-Calendar-and-News-Updates-2020-05-10.jpg)
Hello everyone,
I hope this message finds everyone well and healthy. While most PTO matters have come to a standstill, there are a few things to mention:
The PTO is selling 8th grade graduation signs for $10 this year. An e-mail was sent out from Mr. Hibbert, as well as Facebook posts. There is also an online Google order form that can be found on our Facebook page. To accommodate the current situation, the PTO has also set up Venmo and PayPal to receive electronic payments. Orders are due by May 15th.
Shred/Clothing Drive has been postponed until the Fall.
The Auction has been postponed until the Fall.
The Spring Plant sale usually held around Memorial Day will be canceled.
The Town is seeking a grant from the US Justice Department for a Centralized Security Operations Center for the schools’ system. They’ve asked the PTO for a letter of support for their application. I’ve provided one.
The PTO is still providing four $100 scholarships to 8th grade graduates to be selected by GOMS administration. We do this every year and we will do so this year. GOMS is currently working on some type of 8th grade graduation ceremony.
The town and school budget process are in full swing, please see my e-mail from yesterday with the link to the town website on how to voice any concerns/opinions you have.
Our next meeting is scheduled for May 28 at 6:30 pm, since schools are closed we will hold this meeting via Zoom. We need to have one last meeting for this year to hold elections for the upcoming 2-year positions. Attached is a ballot of sorts, to let you know who is running for what position. Details on the Zoom meeting will be forthcoming. Please make every effort to virtually attend, as we need a quorum to move forward with elections for the upcoming year. The meeting should not take very long.
Thanks everyone, stay safe and healthy. See you virtually on the 28th.